Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Our Little Lounger

We are really enjoying the summer and the pool weather! The first time we took Emma in the water she would not get in the float or even let go of me. The next time she was a lot more relaxed and enjoyed floating and in particular likes the waterfall and putting her hand through to the other side.

Now...a few weeks later....she is jumping in from the side. Our next stop is swim lessons....

Check out Emma in her after swim attire!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day!!

We had a terrific day yesterday celebrating our wonderful daddy! Emma and I made pancakes for Frank to kick off a great fun day. The end of the day was spent in the pool and Emma is definitely enjoying herself. By the end of the summer she will probably be jumping in....

Happy Father's Day to my dad, Frank and all the wonderful dads we are lucky to know!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

And our first fat lip!

Smile :)

Faucet Fun!

Enjoying her bathtime!

An excellent weekend!!!

Three Cousins
Two Saturday outings - The Austin Zoo and The Children's Museum
One excellent weekend!

Beth, Colson and Caleb came for a visit this weekend and we had lots of fun!
Emma loves being chased and her cousin Caleb certainly indulged her. Lots of games of tag were played! On Saturday we got up and headed to the Austin zoo. It really isn't a zoo so much as an animal sanctuary but we saw tigers, lions and even a bear so it was well worth it. Caleb enjoyed feeding the goats and llamas and we took a train ride too.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Peek a boo

What has Emma been up to lately? Well she is turning into a little girl before our eyes. She runs, swims and definitely has an opinion on most things. I think Fain taught her how to shake her head no. I promise I saw him do it first (jk Jen!)

She has added a word to her vocabulary...kick. She knows what it means and how to say kick and ball. It is very cute to watch her run across the room and kick the ball.

She really cracks herself up with peek a boo too! Check out the pics from one night at dinner this week.