Saturday, July 17, 2010

18 months old

We had our 18 month well checkup yesterday and Emma is doing great!

Ht - 32 1/2 inches (75% percentile)
Wt - 25 lbs 8 oz (65% percentile)

She continues to eat well and enjoys trying new things. She has added green beans to her acceptable foods list lately but eating them depends on her mood. Still top of the list are blueberries and cantaloupe.

We are looking forward to visiting the Eaves side of the family this coming week, we just need to survive the travel including the three hour layover in Chicago!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Firsts and Favorites!

Emma is growing and changing like crazy. All of a sudden she is a little girl and not a baby! Today we went to our friend Tally's 2nd birthday party and had a couple of firsts....

1. First time in a bouncy castle... she really enjoyed it after she made it through the opening (thanks to Annabelle!!)
2. First time to pet a donkey and a goat
3. First sno-cone!

Needless to say there was quite a bit of crying when it was time to leave!

Other updates about Emma....she now has 10 teeth including two molars. She knows what "cheese" means and will now smile for the camera. She is very into books and we read every night but she is now into choosing the book. She is very interested in how things turn on and off and practices any chance she gets.

Breaking news....she knows how to turn the know and open the door. Not good! :)

This week coming up is our 18 month checkup and new pictures. The week after that we are off to WI to visit grandma and aunts, uncles and cousins!