Thursday, August 19, 2010

Emma is swimming!

Emma is finishing up a six week swimming class and I am so excited I had to share this. I enrolled her in ISR (infant swimming resource) which is for six weeks, ten minutes a day. I know it sounds crazy but it is an incredible program and I highly recommend it for any moms with little ones.

Emma can jump in the water, come to a float on her back and then turn over and swim. This may sound weird but the last few days, the instructor has the kiddos in the water in full clothes. Yesterday was summer wear and today was full winter clothes. Check out this awesome video! Emma is floating with long sleeves, pants, socks, shoes, winter coat and a regular diaper (can you say five lbs of water weight!)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Felix the super beagle!

Felix was my first baby! I still remember bringing him home the first night and he was as big as my hand. He had the best temperament and loved to give special kisses. He's been with me for a long time, he tolerated Nickie beagle and then called her sister. He welcomed Frank to our family and called him dad. He had to leave us last week after 14 years. We are sad and we miss him but we know we had a wonderful life together and he was loved.

A Visit with Grandma

It has been a busy month for us and a lot has been going on since our last post. Most fun was our visit to Madison, WI to see Frank's family and celebrate our nephew Alex's graduation. We made it through many inches of rain and the threat of tornadoes....and Emma enjoyed every minute. She had so much fun playing with Lily (grandma's dog) and visiting with her Aunties.

The fun came to a quick halt when a 630am flight (yes waking a toddler at 5am on purpose) started the day being delayed six hours! Needless to say it was not a very fun day. But we stuck it out and Emma did great!! Thanks to Finding Nemo.....