Sunday, March 20, 2011

Austin Children's Museum - Happy Birthday Luke!

Today we spent the morning at the Austin Children's Museum to help our buddy Luke celebrate his birthday. Emma had a blast playing and running and eating cupcakes. Here are a few of the best pictures of the day. Happy Birthday Luke!

The birthday boy!

Emma loved counting the fish

Emma would stand at the top of the slide and roll the ball down to Frank. She was definitely surprised the first time it rolled back up to her.

But the cupcakes were the best! Emma enjoying her cupcake with Kyan!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

So cool...I have to wear shades

We were shopping today and thought we would give some shades a try. We did not end up making the purchase but we sure had fun trying them on.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Counting the pearplanes

Today Emma was counting fish and she kept, two, three, four, five, six!
She is saying words like crazy too. Pearplane (Airplane), Chicken, Orange (both the color and the fruit) are just a few of the more recent ones.

Update on Sunday - the counting continued seven, eight, nine and ten!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Kite Festival Fun

Frank and I took Emma to the Zilker Park Kite Festival today and had a wonderful day. It happens to be the longest continuous American Kite Festival and for these first timers it was a great time! We didn't make a kite or even fly a kite but we saw some pretty cool kites! Frank spotted the Umizoomi kite....which I must say I would not have even recognized. Way to go dad!! There were barbie kites, butterflies and spiderman but we liked this pair of crazy guys!

There were plenty of kid things to do...the bounce houses and giant slides were a little daunting for Emma yet but she happily hopped on the mechanical the carriage.....and held on for dear life. ha!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

One, Two, Three...A, B, C

I have been meaning to post for awhile about this.....about a month ago one night while I was cooking, Emma was in the kitchen playing with her fridge magnets of all the letters.

Emma took all of the letters off and she started putting them back up and saying letters... R, E, T, B, P etc etc. Astonishingly enough she got every one of them correct! She has done this in the bathroom occasionally as well, we have the tub letters. But never that many in a row and we always thought maybe she was getting lucky. Apparently not.....she knows many of the letters.....and her numbers too!

She has been counting to three for about the same time...sometimes three turns into wee but it is still cute cute cute!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Our buddy Nickie beagle

She came to me when she was five months old as a rescue. She was always a happy dog who loved people and food. I think she knew how lucky she was and she showed us every day. She was nosy and could open purses. She stole things, chewed gum and buried just about everything.

She lived a wonderful full 14 and a half years and I have to say it is a miracle she lived to old age. She was tired though and she was ready so we said goodbye.

We have all missed Felix but she kept us company the last six months and now the house is pretty quiet. It was almost fifteen years that we had our beagle friends and it is a sad week. Tonight when I was rocking Emma, I said "You love Nickie beagle right?" Her reply was sweet and simply "woof".

We miss them both terribly but at least they are together again. Hopefully chasing some squirrels....