Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

We had a great day today. We started off the morning hanging out and daddy and Emma spent the morning together while mommy went to yoga. When we first woke up I whispered to Emma, "say happy father's day" and she walked in to Frank and ... whispered happy father's day. It was so cute!

We had fun play time and pool time. And we baked a cake!

Dinner tonight was very yummy. Daddy got his favorite....steak! Emma had a really yummy fettuccine bolognese. I have not made it before but I will be doing so again, she pretty much licked the bowl. She has always been a good eater but this was definitely a hit.

We topped off the meal with our yummy blackberry cake, delish!

Happy Father's Day to Frank and my awesome dad Dave (aka Gramps) and all of the wonderful fathers in our family and among our friends.

Ready for the Pool

Friday, June 17, 2011


it is summer and that means swimming. We put Emma back in the lessons we did last year. After our first week she is floating and turning over and swimming - Hooray!

She did not just jump back in without complaints though. The first few days were a little rough. Today though was quite fun and she just shows us how smart she is all the time. Her teacher Erika was trying to get her to put her nose just in the water and look down to get be used to staying horizontal and not dropping her legs. Erika kept saying touch your nose, meaning to the water.

Emma looks up at her and puts her index finger to her nose, smiles and says all done!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Wildlife Ranch

Emma woke up ready to go the morning after Sea World.

We got up and hit the road to visit the Wildlife Ranch at Natural Bridge Caverns. We had a great time and highly recommend a visit if you are near San Antonio this summer.

When you drive up you get bags of food and then you start driving your own car through their 4 mile trek. Throughout the four miles you see many many animals and they walk right up to your car to say hello. Of course they are hoping some of your food makes it out the window to them.

We saw all kinds deer, buffalo and rams. There were giraffe and hippos but those were kept behind their own extra fencing. Most interesting and a little scary were the ostrich and zebras. We had a zebra stick his head into the back window and say hello.

After you drive through there is still more to do including a petting zoo, restaurant and gift shop. We had a ball feeding baby goats and we let Emma pick her souvenir....a monkey.

So fun!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Sea World

Last weekend we made our first trip to Sea World with Emma. Beth and Josh and the boys met us in San Antonio.

Just arriving was exciting and once we got in the gates it took Emma a little while to understand that it is ok to leave one activity to go to another. The first thing we did was visit the dolphins, unfortunately it wasn't the feeding time so we watched them swimming and then decided to head over to the sharks. Emma didn't want to leave....

We loved the shark aquarium and spent quite a bit of time in there, Emma loves Finding Nemo so I think she was intrigued to see "Nemo" not on the TV screen. But again as we decided to move on to the next thing, it was a battle to get Emma out the door.

She rode the Merry Go Round but wasn't quite brave enough to sit on one of the horses.

Emma's favorite event was the Beluga whale show, she cheered and clapped.

We wrapped up the day in the kiddy splash pad area. Colson and Emma climbed and splashed and played for what seemed like hours.

We definitely enjoyed the park and are looking forward to our next adventure there.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Tonight when we were reading our goodnight stories, I was asking Emma "where is the toothbrush?" and "where is the shoe?" She looks at me and says "Mommy, where is the dinosaur?" It was awesome!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Here are a couple of pictures of Emma's visit with Caleb and Colson.

Having lunch!

Emma and Colson jumped and jumped and then they would plop down at the same time. Repeat! Over and over and over! And it was hysterical to them, they had a ball!