Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Wildlife Ranch

Emma woke up ready to go the morning after Sea World.

We got up and hit the road to visit the Wildlife Ranch at Natural Bridge Caverns. We had a great time and highly recommend a visit if you are near San Antonio this summer.

When you drive up you get bags of food and then you start driving your own car through their 4 mile trek. Throughout the four miles you see many many animals and they walk right up to your car to say hello. Of course they are hoping some of your food makes it out the window to them.

We saw all kinds deer, buffalo and rams. There were giraffe and hippos but those were kept behind their own extra fencing. Most interesting and a little scary were the ostrich and zebras. We had a zebra stick his head into the back window and say hello.

After you drive through there is still more to do including a petting zoo, restaurant and gift shop. We had a ball feeding baby goats and we let Emma pick her souvenir....a monkey.

So fun!

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