Thursday, September 23, 2010

More Swimming

Check out these two videos. The first one is near the end of her swimming lessons and is of her swimming to the side. The second is here at home practicing. She LOVES the pool!! We are sad that the summer is winding down and pool weather will be gone soon.

One of the best things we have done so far is the swimming program. She would spend all afternoon in the pool if we let her. She walks around on the steps, lays on the float, swims and and plays with the fountain. She was playing last weekend and her foot slipped and she slid in the water and just started floating. No panic just hanging out until I rescued her. I have to say it is a huge load off my shoulders that she is so comfortable in the water.

1 comment:

  1. I can't get over her swimming! So amazing and very glad she loves the water.
