Sunday, January 2, 2011

Now that I am two....

Emma had her two year checkup last are the stats!
Ht. 35 inches (80%)
Wt. 26 lbs 15 oz (60%)
Head Circ 48.5 cm (75%)

She was a real trooper at the appointment. We have been reading about Dora visiting the Dr. for a checkup and I think it really helped.

Emma has also started helping feed the dog. Every night she runs to get the bowl and helps Frank feed Nickie beagle. It is part of our nightly routine now and Emma won't sit down for her own dinner unless she has already fed the dog.

She has always really loved books but we have been reading a lot more lately. Her favorite phrase right now is "There it is!" It also feels like all of a sudden she knows a lot more words. Butterfly, lion, horse, bear, baby, bird, goes on and on. I am convinced she recognizes the letter B and she always says two after you say one.

We are having lots of fun! Each weekend we have gymboree on Saturday and music class on Sunday. She enjoys every minute!

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