Sunday, January 3, 2010


I will be honest and admit that starting this blog was on our "five year goals" 2003! Before we were married, Frank and I made our list of goals, and setting up a blog to communicate about our life together was one of them. Most of that first set of goals we completed or we at least made some progress. This one not so much.

In July 2008 when that first five year block was coming to an end we reviewed our goal list. Realizing the blog just wasn't going to happen on time, we reset the goal. This time it would be easy.... we were pregnant with Emma and we needed to have something in place BEFORE she was born, we would surely make it. Well, um....not so much.

So now here we are staring down her first birthday and I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. She is not a baby anymore but turning into a beautiful little girl right before our eyes. She is crawling but not walking. She is eating just about anything you give her but doing so without any teeth. She is talking like crazy and we are pretty sure she knows mama AND says it on purpose. She loves dogs (especially the beagles) and laughs whenever she hears a bark.

My new goal is to update with a post at least once a week. I think I can do it! Hopefully the saying is true....better late than never!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogging. I love the photos and posts! I'll be checking back every week.
    -Jenn C.
